Hi Bloggers! Today I write about a career related website I enjoy visiting. The website is at Scielo https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?lng=es this is a virtual scientific library. This virtual scientific library allows to spread the knowledge of many áreas of interesting forestry and science, for example: Ecology, botanic, geomorfology, meteorology, and other scientific área. The virtual scientific library working whit the “ National Scientific and Technological Research Corporation of Chile” (Conicyt). This very important because the science is the basis knowledge for the human. This page is a virtual scientific library that i use every week to find search information about soil science and ecology, because I don’t like to identify plants. I prefer knowledge the interaction of the plants with the environment to care and protect the plants. Also, I used this page to find information of study, because in my career the information of other scientific is essential. This page is very important and is used by all students in Chile, because this page has a information very important to many areas of science.
C soon dear followers!
C soon dear followers!
Interesting website!!! in Scielo I found so many investigations by our teachers and I like it :)