Hello bloggers, see you again! Today's blog will be about... Where would I like to go if I were to travel to the future...? Personally, I would travel to the moment after the so-called "END" or a post-apocalyptic moment, in the place where such an event was triggered. I would like to feel what that moment holds inside, when the despair of being is absolute, and the lightness of its existence is everything...
The immensity of creation made reality before my eyes: DESTRUCTION.
I would not ask the supreme divinity why, since I would know that he would be busy, just as I am, glorified before such an inexorable moment, which whether they want it or not would be a privilege... And that is why I would like to go, for I have been privileged to choose to visit such majesty, "THE NEW BEGINNING".
As to whether I would like to live there, well of course, I would have the honour of experiencing something absolutely superior physically, mentally and spiritually speaking, due to a reality that very few would face, perhaps none, for if the planet did not emit sounds, it would most certainly cause the same noise as the mind does when it is really ALONE.
Should the planet be in the process of change, with thunderstorms, earthquakes and eruptions too much, it would be compatible with the thundering REALITY, so I would not fret.
If I were to travel, and conditions were such as to perish instantly, that moment, would be the most memorable chapter for THE ALL AND/OR NOTHING... in short ... I hope you liked my blog, I will read someone's and comment, I hope some comment!